Abe's Howler Page
This site is a project I am doing for Mrs A's 5th grade reading class



April 28, 2000

Howler monkeys come in different colors such as red and black. Howler monkeys howls can be heard five miles away. Howler monkeys are the largest and heaviest monkeys in America. Howler monkeys are covered with fur except for the last third of the tail. Howler monkeys always prefer to live in clans. Howlers wake up at five in the morning and go to bed at nine. Howler monkeys' clans usually have four to eight members and have a territory of two to twenty four acres. Howlers are vegetarians. Howler monkeys are endangered from hunting and destruction of their habitats.
1)Name one howler monkey color
2)How many howlers are in a clan?
3)From how long away can a howler's howl be heard?
4)True or False? howlers are vegetarians
5)How big is a howler's territory?
6)How are howler monkeys endangered
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